The Belgian Supreme Court has – for the second time – confirmed that the double taxation treaty between Belgium and France, Belgium must give a tax credit for the French withholding tax on French dividends against the Belgian withholding tax. The Belgian tax authorities cannot hide behind the text of the Belgian tax code to deny Belgian taxpayers the benefit of the Belgium-France tax treaty. …
New Tax Rules for Overseas Properties
The European Court of Justice has ordered Belgium to change its rules on the taxation of overseas properties and to pay a penalty of €2 million and a daily payment of €7,500 (for prior coverage see here). Discrimination of owners of overseas properties. In the case of real property in Belgium, whether that is a second residence or a buy-to-let, the tax is calculated on …
Gift tax and the ‘cheese route’
Belgians have suddenly discovered that there is a “cheese route” and that it has been closed today A “cheese route”? The “kaasroute” as even French speakers call it is a cheesy joke. It is supposed to be the road to the Netherlands where Belgians can make gifts of cash, shares or bonds before a notary free of gift tax and, therefore, inheritance tax. Since 15 …
Upcoming webinars
we organise regular – free – webinars on various issues related to taxes and estate planning
– The new Tax on Securities Accounts – 7 January 2021
– The Art of the Gift – 28 January 2021
– The Art of writing a Will – 25 February 2021
Help! I received a tax return from the Belgian taxman…
I live in Cyprus and I just received a tax return from the Belgian tax authorities that must be filed by 3 December.
My husband worked in Belgium years ago, I never lived there. He died seven years ago. I now receive a widow’s pension.
I never received an income tax return – and neither did he.
Why do I get one now?
Investing in UK real property?
With the Stamp Duty holiday available until 31 March 2021, it may be worthwhile to invest in real property in the United Kingdom. To help buyers who have taken a financial hit due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Stamp Duty nil rate band in England and Northern Ireland has been increased to ÂŁ500,000. As a result, it is reported that the UK property market activity …
Properties abroad: ECJ puts pressure on Belgium
Belgium taxes houses and apartments abroad more heavily than houses and apartments in Belgium. The Court of Justice had already found this in 2014 and 2018 and has now condemned Belgium to a penalty of €2 million and a daily payment of €7,500. Different tax rules This “heavier tax burden” relates to the fact that the tax base for overseas property held by Belgian taxpayers …
The tax on foreign savings deposits, again
The European Commission has sent a letter of formal notice requesting Belgium to amend its rules regarding the exemption of interest from savings deposits. Interest from savings deposits Under Belgian law interest on regulated savings accounts is exempt from personal income tax up to a threshold of (currently) €990, Article 21, first paragraph, 5°, ITC 92). Any interest over €990 is taxed at a favourable …
Golden Years in Belgium
The King Baudouin Foundation and the Federation of Notaries have published a brochure “Golden years in Belgium. An expat guide to life after retirement.” This brochure gives tips on how to spend your retirement years in Belgium, on everything from meeting people to health care and welfare. It takes you through pension and inheritance rights and tells you how to get or keep in touch …
Fin de la double imposition des dividendes d’Unilever
La dĂ©cision d’Unilever d’abandonner sa structure binationale, britannique et nĂ©erlandaise, pour opter pour une sociĂ©tĂ© unique basĂ©e Ă Londres est une bonne nouvelle pour les rĂ©sidents belges. Unilever est le rĂ©sultat de la fusion de la sociĂ©tĂ© nĂ©erlandaise Margarine Unie et du savonnier britannique Lever Brothers en 1929. Unilever a deux sociĂ©tĂ©s holding : Unilever NV Ă Rotterdam et Unilever PLC Ă Merseyside, mais son …