We will be making two presentations on wills and estate planning at the annual Expat Financial Affairs event of the British Chamber on Thursday 10 December. To register, click here.
Estate Planning Class 1 – The Basics (at 18.20).
You live here and you want to know more about inheritance tax and wills.
You are not quite ready for planning your estate yet, but it cannot harm to listen in. You will certainly learn something.
Actually, you may be surprised to see how much estate planning you can already do and what mistakes you can avoid …
If you stand to inherit from your parents, then this is certainly of interest to you …
Estate Planning Class 2 – Advanced Planning (at 19.10).
We assume that you have some knowledge about inheritance tax and wills, if not, take the first class for a refresher’s course.
The children have left the nest and it is just the two of you now. You are looking forward to – or already enjoying – retirement. Life is great, but there are some precautions you could / should take.
You are going to draw down your pension capital and you should invest it in a tax-efficient way.
Is it not time that we got a will? Do we need a will?
The house has too many stairs and we should really be downsizing to an apartment with a lift.
One of our children will need help after we have gone. How do we arrange this?
If you have any questions,
before or after, please do not hesitate to post them here or send me a private message.Share this Post