For years, many people thought they could safely “forget” the income they had outside Belgium; the taxman would never find out. The EU Savings Directive was a rude wake-up call as the Belgian tax authorities started receiving information about overseas bank accounts and enquiring about overseas bank accounts.
And when Belgian banks started reporting to the tax authorities abroad, they thought “Surely, Luxembourg and Switzerland would never do that … “. Even that is a thing of the past.
Common Reporting Standard
The Common Reporting Standard is the world’s answer to FATCA, the American law obliging banks all over the world to report the bank accounts of American citizens’ to the IRS. The Common Reporting Standard goes further; it is a Global FATCA (“GATCA”?).
This year, banks, brokers and certain insurance companies and collective investment vehicles in 112 countries will be reporting about your financial situation and income in 2020 to the Belgian tax authorities.
What information will they receive?
- Your complete identity with your Belgian TIN (tax identification / social security number),
- the numbers of all your bank accounts, and the names of the banks,
- the investment income before tax: interest, dividends, income from certain insurance policies, …);
- the proceeds from the sale of financial assets (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, …);
- the balance or the value of the account or insurance policy.
This is why every couple of years your bank keeps asking for a copy of your identity card: they need your contact details and your taxpayer identification number (TIN) so that the information ends up in your tax file. And if you have a company or a trust, the bank has to look through it to find the ultimate beneficiary.
Jordan, Moldova, Montenegro, Thailand, Uganda and Ukraine will follow suit in 2023, and this Global FATCA network will only expand. All offshore financial centres (like Liechtenstein or Panama) are already participating, except for Palau (if you wonder where that is, you may well wonder why you would hide your money there). You cannot hide your wealth anymore unless you open a bank account in Afghanistan or Zimbabwe.
The EU Member States have agreed to go even further. Since 2014 they are exchanging other information that they have, e.g. through the tax returns you file there, or employers’ or pension office statements. Your taxman knows that you have:
- income from employment;
- director’s fees;
- pensions;
- life insurance products;
- real estate and rental income.
All this must ensure that you don’t forget to report any income.
Your tax return:
- the Guide
- Tax filing in Corona Times
- Is this your first time?
- Couples and Children
- When do I need to file?
- on Paper or Online?
- Filing Online
- Filing on Paper
- The Taxman sends a Tax Proposal
- Help!?
- Checklist
- Box I – Contact Details and Bank Account
- Box II – Your Family Situation
- Box III – Real Estate
- Box IV – Earnings
- Box V – Pensions
- Cross Border Taxation
- Box VI – Maintenance Received
- Box VII – Investment Income
- Box VIII – Maintenance Paid and Losses from Previous Years
- Box IX – Mortgage Payments
- Box X – Other Tax Deductions
- Box XII – Paying your Taxes in Advance
- Capital Gains
- Box XIII – Overseas Accounts and Insurance Policies
- Box XIII – Trusts
- Stock Exchange Tax
- Tax on Securities Accounts
- Nowhere to hide
- The Tax Bill
- Appealing the Tax Bill
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